生态堆肥式厕所成功引进中国 Dry Composting Toilet Success in China

Submitted by geoffrey on Thu, 26/03/2015 - 08:18

This morning we heard from a friend in Yunan, China, that the dry composting toilet that Deb Go and Grace Neslen built 2 years ago has completed its first composting cycle.  The proud owners, Mabao and Madoo, are ready to use the compost in their sugar cane fields and vegetable gardens.  They already use the diverted urine.  Speaking of urine as fertilizer, the University of Kuopio in Finland has done research that shows that human urine is a very good fertilizer.
今天早上,我们从在中国云南的一个朋友那里听说,两年前Deb Go 和Grace Neslen 一起建造的无水(尿粪分集式)堆肥式厕所已经完成其首个堆肥周期。这个堆肥式厕所的主人,马保和马都(音译)已经准备好把这些肥料用在他们的甘蔗田和菜园里。他们已经把分开收集的尿液用作液态肥料了。谈及尿液作为肥料,芬兰的Kuopio大学的研究指出,人类的尿液是很好的肥料。从以下网址你可以找到这篇文章。
Here's a photo of Madoo at his dry composting toilet.  One thing that Mabao and his wife really like is that their dry composting toilet does not smell.